Sunday, April 20, 2008

Marianne Ploger's Views on Music

Last year, after a friend had taken two of her summer workshops (which cost him around $1200 and he said it was worth every penny), I decided to try to find out what Marianne Polger was all about. Luckily, she has two very informative websites. Her personal website has information on her workshops and a very interesting essay that she wrote on the "Causes of Error" in performing. This is an excellent essay to examine. Her other website, Musical Ratio, she discusses the art of Musical Communication. Though mostly aimed at techniques which are immediately employable on a keyboard instrument, many of her ideas have helped me work to discover inspiring musical interpretations at very crucial moments in pieces which I have performed. I wish I would have blogged to the class about this earlier, because I'm sure that now we all have less time for leisurely reading, but this is definitely worth a look, when you find the time.

1 comment:

Patrick Rappleye said...

I wish I had read this before my practice session tonight.