Thursday, April 17, 2008

Thankfully, this Stockhausen was not built on sand...

I recently discovered that Karl Stockhausen's son, Markus Stockhausen plays the trumpet. I discovered this after Mr. Greenhoe had told me of a cadenza for the Haydn Trumpet Concerto which was written by Stockhausen for his son. I fell in love with the cadenza immediately and began investigating Markus Stockhausen as a trumpet player. It seems as if he currently has a successful career as a performer in the genre of (no shocker here) NEW music. It seems he is doing really innovative things with not only the music he performs, but also in the staging of it. Here is a link to his website.

2 comments: said...

Clever title there. You are a regular blogger now!

jodru said...

Stockhausen also wrote a ridiculously hard cadenza for the Leopold Mozart concerto, which even Markus admits is too hard to play with the concerto itself.

That's in addition to dozens of great pieces he wrote for Markus over the years. Stockhausen's trumpet music is probably the most overlooked in the modern repertoire!